8 DYNAMIC INTERESTING GAMES : Interesting dragging & pulling game by pulling a chord, Turn the pages of the book and press the button to recognize 10 kinds of animal sounds, Turn the page to change the animals expressions, Fantasy gear-rotating game, Interesting door bell & rotate the key to change the 3 kind of scenes, Song switch- hear the car & horn sounds, Turn the wheel and listen to music, Waggling drivers in the front seat.
Add This To Your Kids Toy House Or Present This As A Gift; Gift It To The Kids And See Their Eyes Gleeming.
Building your child’s fine motor skills, cognitive development, hearing development and imitative ability can still be fun, This toy was specifically designed with an underlining intellectual approach specifically for special early educational therapists, teachers and OT therapists. Let the baby’s curiosity take itself to develop its exploration ability.
Easy and fun to use pretend Toy. Our school bus for your toddler is a great way for them to learn and understand the concept of motion. The bottom of the truck include a round multi-directional swivel wheel that will turn swiftly wherever you want it to go. This vehicle has the ability to captivate your young children for long periods of time.
Quality: Medium. Has pull back feature, but may not work for all.
Happy GiftMart Educational yellow bus filled with a lot of interesting activities that will be a growing experience for your little one! Bus requires 3 "AA" batteries (not included). Awesome Christmas gift, Hanukkah gift or birthday gift for your loved ones.